These quotes are taken from letters sent to The Listening Center following our presentations and workshops.

Kay Lindahl is a marvelous person and her contemplative practice and imaginative teaching skills come alive in her classes and consulting. I enthusiastically recommend her to individuals and groups that want to explore the deep well springs of life. Kay is truly present to people and her extensive experience and maturity are so well integrated she can sensitively guide you or your community in moving inward and outward toward a new vision.
– Rt. Rev. +Robert M. Anderson, Assistant Bishop Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

Thank you for leading our vestry through your workshop in listening this past weekend. We all left feeling strong, engaged, connected, inspired and full of the anticipation of our future work together.
– The Rev. Joanna Satorius, Rector, St. George�s Episcopal Church, Riverside, CA

Thank you so much for the training with The Listening Stick. It has the power to transform any group into �holy company�. It reminds us that God is in the silence of each and every one of us.
–Sharon Upp, Meditation Facilitator

Your workshop was the very best we have had here. The material was new, beautifully presented, and very meaningful. I heard only wonderful compliments about it on Sunday. Everyone who didn�t attend wished he or she had. You are doing an important work that enriches many, many lives.
– Rev. Marilyn Roth, Unity Church of Pasadena, CA

Thanks for the superb seminar that you gave for the first World Wide Listening Day. I personally found it to be very helpful as did everyone else that I spoke with. It was a privilege to get to know you a little better and particularly to see you model your teachings.
– The Rev. Dr. David Thompson, Knox Presbyterian Church, Stratford, Ont. Canada

When God chose you for the work of teaching the topic of listening, He chose a delicate, kind and gentle blossom! What a treat it was to have you with us last Friday. One cannot help but appreciate listening as you share, teach and convey its value with respect. Thank you for the spirit with which you do your work.
– Kris Hodson, United Methodist Church

Your presentations yesterday were so thoughtful and often moving and the opportunities you gave us for practice and exchange were very helpful.
– The Rt. Rev. Frederick Borsch, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

Thank you so much for your gracious and gentle leadership of our recent Vestry retreat. We are still reaping the benefits of your listening exercise as we continue to seek God�s will for our parish over the next few years. We really do seem to be listening more carefully to each other, and to be more sincerely interested in what we each bring to the table at vestry meetings. We are becoming more a part of each other�s lives, rather than just a bunch of people about the business of the church I attribute this growth, which really is spiritual growth, to the quality of our retreat, and I give you the credit for being well-used by God to help us listen and to really hear one another.
– The Rev. Larry Hunter, Rector, St. John�s Church, La Verne, CA

Many thanks for the wonderful workshop you led on our campus and for the skillful way in which you engaged the students and faculty who participated. Your emphasis on the spiritual dimensions of creative listening came as a breath of fresh air in an atmosphere which sometimes grows stale in the torrent of words which characterizes higher education.
– Rev. Albert G. Cohen, Campus Minister California State University, Los Angeles

I have received nothing but enthusiastic feedback about your presentation on the sacred art of listening at our vestry retreat. You are a gifted teach because you do not teach �about� something but rather engage with your subject as part of who you are. This authenticity in your teaching leaves participants hardly aware that they are in a learning experience; rather, they are engaging with you on a journey of learning.
– The Rev. Emily S. Bell



The Listening Center

©2003 Kay Lindahl